
noun, verb

in simple terms: a complex concept that describes a place or experience that's made up of many different elements, interactions, or perspectives, all happening at the same time. It's not tied to a single physical location, but can span across different places, including virtual or digital spaces. It can be thought of as a web of interconnected experiences and ideas, constantly changing and evolving.

in simple terms: a complex concept that describes a place or experience that's made up of many different elements, interactions, or perspectives, all happening at the same time. It's not tied to a single physical location, but can span across different places, including virtual or digital spaces. It can be thought of as a web of interconnected experiences and ideas, constantly changing and evolving.

SYN (along with, at the same time | from Greek SYN, with | ~SYNTHETIC) + SITE (N: point of event, occupied space, internet address; V: to place in position | from Latin SITUS, location, idleness, forgetfulness | ~WEBSITE ¬cite ¬sight), cf. SITE/NON-SITE (from Robert Smithson, A PROVISIONAL THEORY OF NONSITES, 1968)

figur[ing] figur[ing] figur[ing] figur[ing] constellating dots constellating dots constellating dots constellating dots cloud studies cloud studies cloud studies cloud studies signal and noise signal and noise signal and noise signal and noise punctuation punctuation punctuation punctuation processing processing processing processing technology of language technology of language technology of language technology of language stitch and weave stitch and weave stitch and weave stitch and weave vs. digital dualism vs. digital dualism vs. digital dualism vs. digital dualism technomancy technomancy technomancy technomancy entanglement entanglement entanglement entanglement sample-paste sample-paste sample-paste sample-paste ⌘ (knot-site) ⌘ (knot-site) ⌘ (knot-site) ⌘ (knot-site) orienting the self orienting the self orienting the self orienting the self glitch matter glitch matter glitch matter glitch matter perspective / perception perspective / perception perspective / perception perspective / perception *margin note *margin note *margin note *margin note technology of attention technology of attention technology of attention technology of attention crystal networks crystal networks crystal networks crystal networks e-scape e-scape e-scape e-scape unempty blanks unempty blanks unempty blanks unempty blanks tech materiality tech materiality tech materiality tech materiality syntaxis ↔︎ syntaxes syntaxis ↔︎ syntaxes syntaxis ↔︎ syntaxes syntaxis ↔︎ syntaxes